Saturday, June 23, 2007

Rid Acne Naturally

Do you really want to get rid of acne naturally? Well, finding out how to rid acne naturally is one of the highest priorities that you should take consideration especially when you have an all significant event to attend and your face has suddenly popped up some bothering spots. Unfortunately, there is still no instant solutions that will help you get rid acne naturally even up to this time. And, whatever form of the typical solution that works for some does not necessarily work for others.

Although there is no one particular solution that will rid acne, there are still a number of helpful tips that will guide you to get rid acne naturally, without the need to apply prescription creams and medicines. One of those tips that will help you get rid acne naturally is to take enough amount of water. It is often suggested that if someone if really willing to get rid acne, he or she should try to cut down on coke and some sweet bubbly drinks, and drink plenty of water instead. You try to drink eight glasses of water every day since water is very necessary for keeping the skin hydrated; otherwise the dead skin cells are not shed as efficiently, which may then trigger the formation of acne.

Taking supplements can also help you get rid acne as fast as possible. This is important knowing that most of the foods we eat do not contain all the vitamins and minerals that are required for maintaining the health of our skin.

Aside from that step for getting rid of acne, it is also worth noting that stress reduction is but a good move if you want to rid acne naturally. Although there is no evidence that stress triggers the acne formation, there is still a great possibility that it can aggravate acne, especially once beyond the puberty period. It is even noted that when the body is stressed, it then emits a hormone known as cortisol which can in turn worsen acne. So as long as you can, try to exercise and look at some relaxation tactics that would be helpful for you to get rid acne.

Proper diet finally plays a large role for getting rid of acne. Although most the specialists don’t believed that there is a connection with the formation of acne and poor diet, new researches have demonstrated that sugar as well as refined carbohydrates leaves certain impact on causing acne. So, to rid acne naturally, you should then try to avoid sugar and carbohydrates, and increase your intake of fruits and vegetables. And, if you need snack between meals, you then try to take nuts and seeds. That way, you certainly can get rid acne.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Hormonal Acne

Hormonal acne in its true sense does not only affect teenagers but adults as well. Numerous researches had been conducted on this matter and most of them have found out that the onset of hormonal acne is greatly triggered by the production of hormones known as androgens.

Speaking of androgens, these hormones are actually male hormones, but present in both males and females. It has been found out in some hormonal acne studies that the androgen production kindles the sebaceous or oil-producing glands and causes them to enlarge. So those individuals who develop hormonal acne have over kindled sebaceous glands. In addition, the androgen production typically goes into full force between the ages of 11 to 14 especially when most of the young teens go through the period of puberty. It was also found out that the hormonal acne in women may be influenced by certain hormonal changes in their body that are correlated with the menstrual cycle, stress, pregnancy, ovarian disease, and imbalance of the endocrine.

Most of the hormonal acne studies further noted that the androgen-kindled sebaceous glands, prior to the occurrence of the hormonal acne, emit more sebum or oil. Sebum is actually natural oil that helps the skin to feel soft and waterproof. This oily sebum then builds up in the follicle as it moves up the hair shaft where it blends with the normal skin bacteria known as P. acnes as well as the follicular skin cells. In this process, the dead cells are usually get squashed to the surface where they are expelled. As such, if the sebaceous glands produced excess sebum, there is a greater chance of clogged follicles that potentially result in hormonal acne.

Another explanation for the occurrence of hormonal acne lies on the idea that when hormonal changes occur, like an increase in the production of androgen, the sebaceous glands as well as the inner lining of the skin within the follicle also changes. With an increase in sebum production, the dead cells then stick together and clog the hair follicles. So once the follicles are clogged, it then becomes the breeding ground of bacteria, which ingests sebum and produced chemicals that can cause irritation and inflammation in the follicle and surrounding skin, therefore giving birth to hormonal acne.

It is somehow important to know that anyone can develop hormonal acne, although some people are predisposed to some forms of this condition. Just like the other types of acne, hormonal acne also needs medical treatment. Fortunately, a number of hormonal acne treatments are now out there to help you treat and prevent hormonal acne from forming. It is just wise to talk with your doctor first before opting for one of them.